Behind the Scenes with Act Of Valor – Navy SEALS


While at SHOT Show this year, we missed the opportunity to attend the ‘Act of Valor’ premier. However we did check out the official trailer on Youtube and it the movie looks awesome! What’s so great about this movie? Well, it features real Navy SEALS and real tactics!

Story: When the rescue of a kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a deadly terrorist plot against the U.S., a team of SEALs is dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the valiant men of Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they must balance their commitment to country, team and their families back home.

‘Act of Valor’ uses active duty U.S. Navy Seals as actors. The characters they play are fictional, but the weapons and tactics used are real.

‘Act of Valor’ hits theaters February 17, 2012


  1. Outstanding. When I was an active duty Navy Helo pilot I worked a few times with these guys, they are for REAL.

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