The Best UTV for the Range or Play!

Why I picked the Honda Pioneer


This project has been in the works for quite some time and Dave is excited to see it finished. Whether it be for hunting, heading to the range, hauling your squad around at a match, or just riding the trails UTVs can be a lot of fun. When Dave started down this path he learned a lot along the way and also applied his own skills to make this machine the ultimate range UTV. In this video we go over why the Honda Pioneer was chosen, an overview of the accessories and modifications made so far and what to expect in the future videos. If there is a video you want to see or questions you have, sound off in the comment section. Thanks for watching!

Check out the entire Ultimate UTV Project. Click here.

Also take a look at our accompanying article that lists out the tools, supplies, parts used and has some additional information. Click here.

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