New Advancements: Body Armor Innovations


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When we talk about body armor we think of some guy stood there getting shot multiple times in the chest and pretending to be dead then suddenly springing to life when the bad guys gone. The reality isn’t much different nowadays actually, this is all thanks to advancements in chemistry and genetic engineering, and the current materials used inside modern day body armor can actually protect us against most handguns, even when fired from point blank range!

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Now weaponry has advanced, and high velocity rounds have been brought out for high caliber guns, the stopping power of modern body armor has been put under pressure to advance into something truly awesome. Not to mention the fact that we now need to protect against edged blade attacks and even spike implements.

When you look back over the last 100 years at the changes made to protective body armor you quickly realize we have come on leaps and bounds. At the turn of the century we started with very large and clunky steel and iron plates that really didn’t offer much protection against point blank ballistics at all. They were heavy and restricting and bullets were known to penetrate the armor from point blank range anyway. After world war one and two people realized that armor was inadequate for modern day combat and weaponry.

Soft Materials for Flexibility and Agility

The new materials being used for body armor such as Kevlar® and carbon nano-tubes have not only 10-15x more ballistic stopping power and are 10-15x lighter than most steel plates, but also contours to the body like an actually clothing material! They offer the user protection from high calibre handguns like the Magnum .44 and hollow point rounds. Other materials such as Spider silk and liquid body armor have also been proven to protect against modern day weaponry and carry their own benefits. Lastly to mention that Kevlar® can even be manufactured to offer the wearer protection from edged blade and spike shaped implements. Kevlar being arguably the best type of protection because of its time on the market it has become widely available as a protection type online with popular brands such as selling Kevlar armor up to level 3A NIJ standard.

Hard Plates to stop even the most powerful rounds

Although advancements in the form of soft armor has been a grand innovation, like most things there are limitations to protection, in this case from rifle rounds and armor piercing rounds. For this more advancements and improvements have been made towards hard armor plate inserts. So instead of using steel plates, like in the early 1900s they have been replaced by a range of other impressive hard materials, the first being ceramics which is actually about three times lighter than its steel equivalent and way more effective against stopping rounds from high velocity weapons. The second was polyethylene which can be applied and fused with steel to create polyethylene composite which is lighter and even more durable than ceramic.

Carrier to keep all the bits together

When we look at early designed carriers they were uncomfortable and they struggled to keep the steel plates inserts in a fixed place, not to mention the “sweet spots” weren’t covered by soft armor, as this wasn’t invented yet. The carriers nowadays are just designed to be worn as an item of clothing not just tactical gear, new materials such as Cordura® for durability and Coolmax® for added transpiration control and comfort make for an all-round everyday worn vest. Materials like Coolmax® allow the user to wear the armor under clothes and next to the skin and are thin enough for you not to notice you’re wearing anything at all. We look on in excitement for the next innovation…

Please take a moment to learn more about SafeGuard ARMOR™ products by visiting their website at



  1. It’s a hard linr to tow, the prepper that doesn’t go overboard. How much prep is enough? How much prep isn’t?

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