Avoiding the Poseurs


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[dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Selecting a qualified and talented training provider requires due diligence in today’s firearms culture.[/dcs_fancy_header]

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If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. As more and more citizens become law-abiding, responsible firearms owners we see more and more training organizations and trainers popping up. But one must remember that you don’t always get what you pay for. It’s important to do your homework and make sure you understand what training you’re getting and who you’re getting it from. There are poseurs everywhere across all industries and professions, so be careful and be thorough in your search for a firearms training provider.

As David Reeder says in his latest Recoil rant on poseurs, “Before you spend your hard earned money and potentially put yourself at risk with an instructor, perform some due diligence. Awesome web pages, slick YouTube channels and great war stories make for excellent marketing, but they certainly don’t guarantee quality of instruction.”

If you’ve trained with any of the well-known guys like Larry Vickers, Kyle Lamb, or Wes Doss for example, then you’ve already identified a high(er) level of expectation for training providers to meet. You know what it’s like to leave the range having pushed yourself beyond a personal learning challenge, or perhaps having had a life-altering or awakening training experience. But for those who have not trained before or who’ve received less than awesome training, selecting a trainer could be like swimming with sharks. Don’t settle for less. You and your family deserve to be insured by the best training available. Anything less could be a mistake. Check out the “Poseurs Who Teach” article by David Reeder on Recoil for more of his insights on these matters.

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  1. I am a member of an all veterans shooting group of 25 at last count . We get together one weekend a month . Every now and then someone will ask us if they could come out and train with us . Most of the time we will let them free of charge . Its a good time had by all .

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